Just Shut Up!

If I pass the Bar it will be a real "Festivus" miracle because I spend so little time on the law and instead can't seem to stop reading about Iran, Israel, the U.S. and the general health of the international system (and to nobody's surprise, it's not good) whilst listening to the last few shows of Howard on terrestrial radio.
And then today Mahmoud drops another one. It's one thing to be critical of Israel's government - it certainly is not beyond reproach - Israeli's will tell you that. What government is? But one crosses the line if the assertion is that nothing really happened in Europe, say between 1938 (Kristallnacht) and 1945 vis-a-vis European Jewry and the Nazi government of Adolph Hitler. The atrocities directed towards Jews, Communists, gays, the mentally and physically handicapped, POWs and German dissidents that we have collectively labelled as the Holocaust is a fact that cannot be subject to reasonable doubt since it is capable of accurate and ready determination by sources not open to reasonable dispute, not least of which were the Nazi's themselves. Mahmoud has never heard of Wansee or the conference that took place there on January 20th, 1942. It matters not because in the end we must approach bigots like him (there are others throughout the world of all ethnicities and faiths) the same way Howard does with KKK member Daniel Carver - let them speak and reasonable people will know what to think.
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