Howard Stern

To those of us who are fans December 16th, 2005 is a day of mixed emotions. A man who is arguably the most misunderstood cultural personality of our 21st century world is leaving an industry in a way far removed from what it was when he first knocked on radio's door. He didn't just ride the wave of the mediums success, he was the wave. In so doing, this guy, who can, and does make people from all walks of life roar with laughter at 6.30 AM has transformed from DJ to First Amendment champion. Yes - yours and mine - Mr. Howard Stern.
I wish the show well and as soon as I'm done studying for the Bar (FEB 06) I will re-connect with Howard and company.
I didn't know you were a Stern fan. Just let me know and I'll let you borrow "Butt Bongo Fiesta"! By the way, I think that Stern lost his mojo 10 years ago and hasn't been the same since. When I first saw him in 1991 on his channel 9 show I was blown away. I had seen nothing like him before and since then I've only seen half-assed posers. Stern did for radio what Ali did for boxing--he made it an event.
Finally, Someone who understands what Howard is all about. First and formost he is an entertainer. You may or may not like his show. There are several entertainers I do not like. I don't write letters to try and get them off the air. I change the station. Fortunatly, for all of us, he has become our champion for the First Amendment. I do not wish him good luck with his new endevor. He does not need it. Although he is not personally on his two stations yet they are the most listened too. January 9th will be a day that will go down in history as a turning point in radio.
i just saw the 60 Minutes interview - just love Howard. And the interview didn't even the religious fundamentalists who despise him - anyone who fights religious fanatics and is actually funny is a friend in my book
Hey Antiradical. Happy new year!
I listened to Howard's first week on Sirius. He was excellent. Very relaxed, getting used to his new ridiculously expensive equipment, and just generally having a really good time not having to fret about how everything he said would square with censors. Even with little to no commercials, he went for over five hours every day of the week! (They will have 6 minutes of commercials an hour, mostly for pee breaks and the like, compared with over 18 minutes for his 'old fashioned censored radio' shows).
The best part was that he had George Takei, who played Zulu on the original Star Trek, on the entire week as a guest. That guy is hilarious, and everyone wishes he'd come back permanently.
Howard is up there with Jon Stewart as a sharp, funny, entertainer who skewers the right-wing lunatics better than most liberal pundits.
(This is Eric).
good to hear from u :-) the party was cool - that's gonna be us someday - throwing parties, making smalltalk, in bed by ten! it was good to see everyone
yeh, it's something i forward to doing, getting Sirius, that is if I pass the Bar - otherwise can't dream of being able to study and retake the Bar while having access to the Stern Gang, my heroes - right now its a great time to alive - Sonia just gave birth, our daughter is so cute, Howard has planted our flag on satellite, and although you'd never it judging from the beating sounds from the drummers of war, the smoke and mirrors world of the US-Iranian peace process is moving along nicely. The stakes just had to go higher before there could be enough pressure for the needed breakthrough - good times.
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