Saturday, April 16, 2005

More Demonstrations Demand Honest Japanese Self Appraisal


Today wire services report new demonstrations in China, twenty thousand of whom, marched on the Japanese Embassy in Shanghei, overturning cars and hurling projectiles towards the embassy compound while outnumbered Chinese security personal did not intervene. Today's crowds come on the heals of the on-going diplomatic spat between the two Asian power houses, rooted in the unaddressed bad blood that remains from 1930's Imperial Japanese bloody invasion and occupation of mainland China. What does this example of Chinese people power augur for the future of Sino-Japanese relations? What is the role, if any of the current leading Asian military power, Washington. At this time, it is impossible to predict, but certainly such public airing of past animosities cannot go unnoticed in D.C. Given the unavoidable historical record, that is, the unequivacally, objectively verifiable fact of Japanese aggression and state sanctioned brutality towards not only China, but most of the Pacific Rim during the first half of the twentieth century, D.C would be well advised to take the expedient as well moral highground and carefully nurse it's Asian proxy to develop a healthy respect for history, coupled with an exercise of honest self appraisal of it's client's relations with it's Asian cousins. The first step towards genuine reconcilliation must be the product of the truthfull examination of past Japanese actions and Washington has an interest in facilitating such an opening.


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